Generate More Referrals With Your Own Personalized Magazine
You Can Sell 9X More Homes When You Focus On Repeat & Referral Business, Instead of Cold Calling or Open Houses.

We provide you with your own personally branded magazine and a Referral Marketing System to generate more referrals from your Past Clients and Sphere.

Your Referral Marketing Membership Includes:

Your own personalized magazine. We'll customize the magazine with your name, picture, and contact information. View sample.

Printed copies of your magazines mailed directly to your Past Clients and SOI. We ship directly to your leads so you don’t have to do anything!

A new digital magazine link to share each month with your Past Clients and Sphere. You can email it to them or post it on Social Media while that month's issue is live. View sample.

A Lead Capture Web Page for generating new subscribers. Send your magazine to them, and generate more referrals. Learn more.

Weekly Emails for you to send to your Past Clients and Sphere. These emails will promote your digital magazine and generate more referrals. View sample.

Weekly Social Media Posts. Simply post them on Social Media and generate more referrals. View sample.
Why Referral Marketing?
Did you know referral marketing is nine times more powerful than cold calling or open house marketing? It's true.
91% of buyers would use their agent again or recommend their agent to others.
-NAR profile report
9x more sellers found their agent through Repeat/Referral Business than did through Cold Calling or an Open House.
73% of buyers interviewed only one real estate agent during their home search.
-NAR profile report

Here’s How You Can Personalize Your Magazine...

Choose From Several Cover Options

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